Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Sound of Silence or What Does In Love Even Mean?

 Close this harder than necessary,

Stomp around to make sure you’re heard. 

In between, the sound of silence.

So silent, you could hear a pin drop. 

So silent, even the ghosts come out,

For anticipation that everything inside 

has been abandoned. 

In the silence you can hear, 

All the things it should be.

A home filled with laughter, 

Fueled with eager conversation.

Two voices whispering I love you,

In the night so no one else gets to hear. 

The sound of one mouth on another, 

Bodies anxious to not feel alone anymore. 

The sound of an almost moan,

Until her voice catches in her throat. 

The sound of exhaustion at the end 

of the day, 

From loving someone so hard. 

In the silence you can hear, 

All the wishes that never made it.

The sound of heartbreak, 

That never heals. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

An Almost Last Love Letter From an Almost Unworthy Lover

 It’s been awhile, for the letters at least. Although it doesn’t even feel that long. The one thing I never wanted people to know was that I started writing letters because I used to write them on paper, to you. Every single day. Honestly, I just missed you so much and I had no one around to talk to. So, I couldn’t stop imagining all the things that I would tell you if you were here. I brought them to you one time, I think you burned them. I was so lonely without you. I still am. Lonely I mean. I just think maybe my soul isn’t meant for this world. It’s constantly been plagued with loneliness and no one seems to notice. You always noticed. When I was a kid, before you, I used to lay backwards on my bed with my head beside the stereo, trying to get as close to the music as I could. It was the only noise I ever really heard, other than my own breathing. It was the closest thing to peace I knew, laying in the darkness with the music, the one time where I could be any emotion I wanted without having to worry what people would think about me or who was watching. I used to have a light that I would shine on the ceiling. I’m married now. It’s been a lot. He thinks that whatever the opposite of soulful is and being not very thought provoking is cool. But 25, really 23, year old me is not 13 year old me and I don’t. He seems a million miles away from every version of you I’ve ever known. I don’t know. I don’t know if you remember this but one of the things that made me fall in love with you was this question and I had asked it to several people. No one gave a good answer, if any. Regular, vapid people in their regular, unalive world. And I kept thinking that I know that you would answer. So I asked you. And you answered without hesitation. Don’t tell my husband, but I’ve still got the screenshot. You told me that you believed in love, even though most people didn’t anymore. I don’t think he believes in anything, least of all me. I wish you were here to tell me what to do. Hell, I wish you were just here to talk to, no judgement, no cutting me off, just me and you, a couple of stars, a conversation. It’s day four now, I’ve counted, of my husband cutting me off every time I try to talk. He’s stopped me at least once every single day. I don’t know why other than he doesn’t like what I’m saying. I think he just hates me. But that’s just another thing I say that makes him angry. He used to be nice. Last year was really hard. So hard. But in between those hard moments, were gentle moments, moments where I felt like I was talked to like I don’t know, gentle, kind. If we’re all being honest with ourselves, the way you talk to some broken, fucked up little girl. But now, we don’t really speak, which is better than being talked to like a dog. Or at least how people that aren’t me talk to their dogs. Do you remember the day Ranger had to go to the vet? I don’t remember if he had to be put down or not. I just remember how sad it was. There was a period last year, where I guess he was just going through stuff, I mean, I know he was. But he didn’t even exist anymore. He just sat there, he went to work, but he didn’t help me make sure the bills got paid, like actually having to go out and pay them, we have one bank account, he wouldn’t spend time with me, he didn’t want to be intimate with me, like physically, and I couldn’t speak. I literally couldn’t speak. If I did, then I was mean and evil and ununderstanding and I don’t know if you’ve ever met me but not saying how I feel isn’t really my style. You used to like that about me. I told my boss that I felt like I was drowning. There’s this book that I had to read in high school, I can’t think of the name of it right now, but I loved it. The main character’s name is Edna, how ironic. In the end, Edna is so tired of whatever her husband has going on, and everything around here, and no one wanting to hear her, that she just walks into the ocean. The end. The end, as in the book doesn’t go into detail, but she drowns herself. It’s relatable. But the point is, I loved him, just like I loved you, so I kept holding on for the ride. Everyone goes through hard shit, right? I still loved him, I still believed in him. But it’s a year later, so why am I still drowning? Literally every single thing I say is wrong. My opinions are irrelevant, unless he likes how they make him feel. There was nothing ever wrong I could say to you, you always listened, unless I was mean, then you just didn’t want to talk to me. He does this thing, I don’t know what to call it, every term I use, he hates. I tell him I don’t think it’s very good for me mentally, he acts like he can’t control it. A harder time controlling emotions doesn’t mean that you can’t. It really just means that you’re practicing a little late in life. Everyone teaches themselves how to control their emotions. But I’m a failure when I can’t tell him how. And that makes the behavior excusable. It makes me want to change my name to Edna. Self control is learned. But when there’s always a reason why you can’t teach yourself, it’s never your fault then, right? The little kid part of me is terrified, he came the other day and I was just shaking uncontrollably. The internet calls the behaviors intimidation, which can be considered mentally abusive. He’s not abusive, I just think he doesn’t love me enough to want to look at himself. Honestly, it’s hard to look at your behavior. I get it. But at what cost? It’s like every single thing is about him. And since those months, I feel like it always has been. He doesn’t agree. Are you surprised? He thinks because he buys me my favorite treat or flowers or asks why I’m crying, that doesn’t make my life one sided. But it’s like this, every single thing about me is about how it makes him feel. He won’t let me speak because he doesn’t like the way my words will make him feel about his own self. If you don’t stop, I can’t control it. That’s something the internet brings up and not in a good way, if you catch my drift. My opinion and feelings shouldn’t be a threat to someone. I don’t understand why it’s always how my words make them feel. Sails, why isn’t it about me? It’s never why does Samantha feel that way? It’s like I say something is bad for me, it continues, I live my life on edge and sad, and then when I say I don’t think I’m loved, I’m still the problem. It’s okay to cut me off, freak out on me, or be mean because I don’t feel loved. Like how is that my fault? Why is the question there not what do I do to make her feel not loved? Or what can I do to love her different? Or if someone treated my mom this way, would I like it, or what would mom think about that if it was done to her? Lately, the new question is why am I crying. I feel like that’s a stupid question. I’ve always been strong and independent and fuck the world, but I let someone constantly shut me up, not be emotional, hurt my feelings, do things I really don’t think are okay, and it’s a big mystery why I’m sad. He knows why. The question here should be why is she sad, and why is my reaction, since I love her, to ask why she’s crying, and then pat her shoulder. Seems bananas to me. But my opinion doesn’t make the world go round. Yours used to though. I just wanted to be so worthy of your love, I wanted to be the kind of person that you’d be proud to be beside, and honestly, I just wanted to be the kind of person that deserved someone like you. Someone who was so sweet and kind and loving, and every thing my whole life was always missing. I wanted so badly to be that kind of good person. I must not be though. I’m constantly rejected. I literally feel like my whole life is not about me. It’s about who my words make someone else interpret themselves. It’s never why am I hurt. The other night, he asked me why I was crying and then got mad because I didn’t feel like anything I said or did was ever good enough. He always says he doesn’t get mad. I don’t really care what you call the emotion. I was sad that I wasn’t good enough, no matter what I have done, and then he tells me that maybe were not soul mates. Talk about gut punching, slit your throat now stuff. I keep asking myself what do I believe in. Do I even believe in miracles, because you used to make me believe, over and over, every time I was about to give up, here you come, still making me believe, even when you didn’t know it. But now, I keep waiting and praying and hoping. I love him, I wanted so badly to be a good wife. But being a good wife shouldn’t have to mean giving up the things I like about myself, like my ability to stand up for myself and speak, and my opinions that never mattered to anyone but me so when you’re all you’ve got, they’ve got to really matter. I wish you were, I feel so lonely, I thought a husband, well that’s not true, I thought love was supposed to be your best friend. I could really use a best friend right now. I feel so stuck in life. People change, but when is it enough time? When is it time to quit asking God to heal his heart? Because one minute, he’s sweet and amazing, and everything that was missing. And the next, I’m emotionally devasted, like really mentally not okay. He doesn’t even try to come talk about it anymore. He might apologize but when that isn’t enough, he just starts to avoid me. He doesn’t even try to make things right anymore. And part of me doesn’t want him to. He acts like the hurt is okay because I say things he doesn’t like. Behaviors and words aren’t the same. Childhood trauma isn’t the same. How can you know what someone’s first years of life were like and not care if you bring them back there. I sent him photos today, he didn’t even open them. He didn’t care. You know, the other day he gave me the most amazing day of my life. Night, really. It reminded me of you. The first time in two years, I’ve been reminded of you. He swears he acts like that plenty of times and I just don’t remember. He’s nice, he’s nice part of the week, making me sad the other part. Every week. What I meant was, it was the first time since the last time I was with you, that anyone has reminded me of you. It was whispers and forehead touching and intimate and all of the things that you promised me. There was a night that followed it too, it was like the most intimate thing to happen to me since I been married. Every time I woke up that night, he was staring at me. He just wanted to touch me. But all night. Seems like something you’d do. He never stares at me or just watches me. He says that isn’t true too. But honestly, he glances at me. But he never watches me. He doesn’t give me the you look. I used to say I would never ever get married, until I met someone who looked at me the way you did. My, how the mighty have fallen. I love him, I love you. But I’m not the excuse for someone else’s behavior. Unless that behavior is yours, and then goddamn I want to be the only excuse, and the lower the better, if you get what I’m saying. There’s this guy on Facebook, he makes his money with this videos, they’re nothing new or special, and I’ve heard/seen the story a million times. Girl waits and waits on a man to do the things she wants him to do. They break up, and he’s doing it for the next woman, and she’s heart broken. But the truth is, he didn’t do it for her because she wasn’t the one. That’s what they say. Men will do what they want and change for who they want. So if a man wanted to be focused on your needs, he would be. And if he does it for the next woman, that doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. I wanted so badly to be the thing that he loves. But every day, more and more, I think I’m not. There’s no focus on my emotions or why I do the things I do or why I think like I do. I don’t feel like there’s ever a point where it’s like Samantha, I want to understand you, I want to know you, I want to care about your feelings, regardless of how they are making me feel because you’re important. I’m too scared to leave. He has so much potential. So much potential. I can see it in the moments that aren’t hurt. But I feel like it’s been two years of promising me different and every time I turn around, it’s the same behaviors causing the same hurt. I spent my whole life hurt, I can’t endure that kind of pain forever. I just want to be loved. That’s not even true. I have been loved, by many. But they don’t count. I want your love, or his love, and if I can’t be good enough for either, I just want to be with my dad until he dies, pack up and move to a different state, get artificially inseminated, and raise my little daughter in peace. Just me and Sailor. And one day, when she meets the right boy, I can tell her how much I loved you, and how much of a fuck up I was, and how heart breaking it was to lose you, heart break so big I never recovered from it, and no one was ever happy again. That love is the only thing matters and to run towards with everything inside of her because if there is a chance for the kind of love I knew, it’s the only thing worth living for. Stuck between I’m obviously not the love of his life, I’m supposed to be though, praying he’ll wake up one day and want to love me, and wondering why no one on the planet ever cares what’s going on inside of me. There’s little Samantha inside of me. Maybe there’s still little you inside of big you. Little you would care. Little you would listen and focus on what was hurting me. If little you is there, little me misses you. I still love you with every fiber of my being, as always, no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, you still can come home to me. If you want. I miss you, I love you, I’m sad without you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Problem With Hope

 If I could sum up my life,

It felt like whispering secrets into a forgetful wind,

Sending up my hopes and dreams,

Watching the leaves play telephone,

Until they come back down for me,

Fragments and half-wishes,

Sadness wrapped up to look like poetry and parties,

Heart swelling to shatter at my feet,

Songs that almost sound like home,

A book that had you going right until the last chapter,

Until the wind dies down,

Leaving me to clean up it’s almost perfect mess. 

I’ve Spent My Whole Life Remembering Your Nonexistent Gaze or Why Were We Only in my Head?

 It’s been years,
But I still know that look.

It is ice in my bones,

And fear in my heart.

The only thing that 

Really knows me.

What do you want 

After all this time?

You, you say.

And your answer is everything.

Fire inside in my veins

Lips hard on mine.

Your hand down my pants

Closing the distance between us.

Like I’m the only thing 

That’s been missing from your life.

Your tongue down my throat

Searching for the emotions

You’ve been dying to feel. 

My toes curl

My hands grasp for you.

Any space is too much space 

Heart so fast it floods my ears.

It’s your eyes on mine

Nothing else between us.

Filling in your missing void

You’ve came for what’s yours.

Dreams that Never Came

Meeting you for the first time,
Was like fate come to life.
Looking into your eyes,
Was the only time I ever felt seen.
Your silence,
Felt like home. 
I didn’t have to try
To be understood. 
My feelings were like 
Words you’d never heard before. 
Touching me,
Was like the most serious thing to you. 
So serious, 
It sent shivers down my spine. 
Kissing you for the first time,
Was like darkness,
So no one else could see.
Something only meant for us, 
The start of something new. 
You were staying up late,
Because I never had anyone,
To talk to before. 
It was eye contact, whispers, 
And things just between us. 
It was a best friend, 
When I didn’t even know I needed one. 
It was deciding, 
That we were the only thing that mattered. 
It was saving a life, 
No one else knew needed saving. 
But you knew everything,
Without trying. 
You were everything,
To someone just hoping to die.

People Save Us to Shatter At Their Leisure

How do people die?

Is it all at once?

Or piece by piece?

Like glass surrounding your feet?

You pick up a piece or two.

Play with them in your hand. 

Fix them together, like a puzzle.

Grab a third, more and more,

Until only a handful remains on the floor.

Add it to your pile of treasure. 

Only to take your new creation, 

And smash it with a hammer. 

A million little pieces. 

Too small to grab without getting cut. 

Too many pieces to find them all. 

Never completely whole again. 

Eat, sleep, repeat.

A little more that never gets found each time.

No one noticing until it’s too late. 

Until there’s nothing left.  

Never Knowing to Leave Well Enough Alone


What am I?

A big regret, an even bigger mistake?

A cause for your anger, a sponge for your hate?

A situation better left alone,

A prettier figment of your imagination.

The chapter in your story before you get your life together?

A parasite, sucking from your life.

The disgusting thing that stole your joy.

The thing you have to resist the urge to shatter?

Temptation for your punches.

The ultimate ‘what doesn’t belong in this picture.’

A rodent crawling on an otherwise clean floor?

A goddamn disaster.